Leningrad Industrial Science Research Communications Institute (LISRCI)
LISRCI was founded in November, 1918.
900 workers are employed by the institute at the present moment, 600 among them are researchers and engineers. The annual turnover of the institute is $10 million.
LISRCI is the Russian Ministry's of Communications and Information Technologies leading expert on and provider of local telephone network planning, of integral service networks, of intellectual networks, of TMN, of digital communications systems, including a wide-band commutation unit on the basis of ATM.
Starting in late 1980's LISRCI became a federal testing center in charge of hardware and software certification for local networks.
In 1994 LISRCI created Russia's first complex of digital automated telephone stations of the ATSC-90 system, which includes: an automated city telephone station, a substation, client's hubs, an automated rural area telephone station, an automated … telephone station, etc.
Specialists from LISRCI developed theories of network convergence and of superimposed IPOP networks, created national INAR-R specifications.
The Russian Federation's Ministry of Communications has charged LISRCI with the organization of the State Commutation Systems' technology park, consisting of a complex of national support centers for major producers of telecommunications equipment (Alcatel, Luñånt Technologies, Siemens, NEC, Italtel, etc.). In the year 2000 the technology park has been complemented by a national center for wide-band commutation systems support.
LISRCI's latest developments include:
- a new software product for the automated creation of PLANET-1 modern communications networks, allowing operators to conduct analysis of perspective network solutions for telephone service providers, high-speed data transmission networks, intellectual networks, mobile and wide-band networks at various stages of construction and development;
- a hardware and software complex of the ATSC-90 digital commutation system, allowing to create city, rural and organizational automated telephone stations;
- the development of normative documents on issues of digital communication networks' synchronization.
Considerable attention is paid at LISRCI to conceptual issues of providing communication services to clients and to the development of appropriate equipment. The hardware-software package based on Protheus intellectual platform allows providers to offer pre-paid telephone card services, voicemail services, telephone voting, etc. Testings of trial versions of IP-telephony equipment, including a gateway for computer and telephone networks' integration and multiplexors for the compression of signal bandwidth with the use of IP-technologies, are nearly completed.
LISRCI participates in a TACIS program providing technical support to regional certification centers. In 1999-2001 TACIS is sponsoring the process of the institute's accreditation as an independent European certification laboratory.
LISRCI provides help in set ups and configurations, offers consultations on issues of correctness of telecommunication equipment's functioning, on the development of all types of alarm systems used by Russia's telephone service providers, including OKS-7. Foreign telecommunication equipment producers are offered help during adaptation works necessary to receive the Russian Communications Ministry's Certificate of Compliance.
Anatoly Nikolayevich Golubev is the present Director of the Leningrad Industrial Science Research Communications Institute.
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