Lavrov Alexandr Vasilievich
The leading research worker of the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (the Pushkin House).
Born in 1949 in Leningrad. In 1971, after graduation from the department of philology at the Leningrad State University he was employed by the Institute of Russian Literature "Pushkin House", where he has been working until now. A. V. Lavrov is a member of St. Petersburg Writers' Union. In 1985 he had presented his master's thesis on the subject of "Valery Brusov and the Literary Movement of the 1900's". In 1995 he had defended his doctoral dissertation entitled "Andrej Belyj in the 1900's. His Life and Literary Art." In May of 1997 A. V. Lavrov was elected a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The history of Russian literature at the beginning of the XXth century is the major area of interest in his academic research. His first publication took place in 1971 in the Tartu publishing house. In the following years he had written over 200 articles dedicated to the lives and the art of leading Russian poets of symbolist and post-symbolist epoch. He had participated in many academic conferences in Russia and abroad. In 1995 he has published a monograph about Andrej Belyj. He also serves on editorial boards of the "Literary Monuments" and "The New Library of the Poet" series, the biographical reference "Russian Writers. 1800-1917", as well as the "New Literary Review" magazine.
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