Lopota Vitalii Alexandrovich
Director and head designer of the Central Research Institute of Technical Cybernetics and Robot Technology.
Born in 1950. Graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnical College. V. Lopota holds a title of a Doctor of Technical Sciences and is a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is the author of over 150 scientific works, and had received about 50 certificates of invention. In 1984 he organized a specialized laboratory of laser and electro-radial technology, and in 1985-1991 held the position of a scientific director of laser technologies at the Ministry of Defense Industry plants. In 1997 he created the Center for Laser Technologies, which is the principal scientific foundation for training specialists at the Laser Technology department of the St.Petersburg State Technical University.
In 1991 V. Lopota was appointed the director and head designer of the Central Research Institute of Technical Cybernetics and Robot Technology. The excellent organization of the scientific and industrial activities of the institute was rewarded in June of 1994 by the status of a State Scientific Center of Russia.
The scientific interests of V. Lopota lie in the sphere of creation of cybernetic systems for various purposes, including laser automated technological complexes, photon technology and specialized device design, telenetics and telematics. He was elected a correspondent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the account of his considerable contributions to the development of Russian science and technology.
Vitali Lopota is a member of several scientific, specialized, scientific-technological and expert councils of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation and the St.Peterburg administration. He is also the scientific director of research programs on both federal and international levels, and a full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, of the St.Petersburg Engineering Academy and the international Academy of Higher Educational Institutions.
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