Nikitin Anatoly Illarionovich
One of the leading specialists in the field of reproductive medicine and embriology.
Anatoly Nikitin is a well-known Russian scientist, one of the leading specialists in the field of reproductive medicine and embriology, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a member of the International Academy of Informatization, director of the Baltic Institute of Human Reproduction, a laureate of the Russian Federation Government prize (1996), member of the Russian Council of the Association of Human Reproduction, member of the European Society of Reproduction and Embriology, member of the editorial boards of "Problems of Reproduction" and "Morphology" magazines, author of over 200 scientific works.
Analoly Nikitin was born on April 29, 1938 in Leningrad. Upon graduation from the 2nd Leningrad Medical Institute in 1963 he was accepted into the clinical studies program at the Otto Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Worked as a researcher, director of the early embriogenesis laboratory, deputy director for scientific work. In 1966 A.I. Nikitin defended his Master's thesis, and in 1977 - his doctoral dissertation.
Over the course of years Anatoly Nikitin and his co-workers have worked on the problems related to the processes of follicular and gamete genesis in the ovaries of mammals under physiological and experimental conditions. Later Nikitin turned his interests to the problems of human reproduction, (overcoming sterility, in particularly), which was a logical continuation of his previous studies. He was one of the first people in the country to research in-vitro fertilization. Many years of research in this direction led to a clinical pregnancy after a transfer of an embryo conceived in laboratory conditions into the uterus of a woman, and the subsequent birth of a first "test-tube" baby in Leningrad in 1986. In 1996 he was awarded the prize of the Russian Federation Government for his work "EKO program in the treatment of barren marriages".
Anatoly Nikitin has made a considerable contribution to the improvement of methods of supplementary reproduction and their introduction into medical practice. These efforts in the field of sterility treatment with techniques of new reproduction technologies have in a short period of time transformed from a theoretical scheme to a widely applied practical procedure used in fighting sterility. In the last years several dozen Centers for supplementary reproduction have been opened throughout Russia and other CIS states. A.I. Nikitin has actively participated in their creation.
In 1993 A.I. Nikitin and a group of his enthusiastic colleagues have founded a non-governmental scientific and practical center in St.Petersburg - the Baltic Institute of Human Reproduction, which he currently heads.
The following issues are related to the sphere of A.I Nikitin's scientific interests: analyses of the factors which influence the success of the subsidiary reproduction procedures, physiology and pathology of the early stages of the human reproduction process, and research of the impact mechanisms of harmful environmental factors on the human reproductive system (particularly on conception and early development). He has revealed several fundamental tendencies related to the influence of damaging environmental factors on pro-embrionic development (follicular and gamete genesis) and early (pre-implantation) stages of the embryo's development. He was the first to point out the necessity of "protection of the peri-ovulatory period" and to formulate the principal aspects of a new direction in research - the hygiene of conception. Currently A.I. Nikitin and his followers continue their research of these issues important for modern reproductive science.
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