Sarychev Valentin Aleksandrovich
Acting member of the International, Russian and Ukrainian Academies of Transportation, of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, of the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy, of the Russian Academy of Medical Technology Sciences.
Born on July 3, 1944 in Bologoye, Tver region. His family has for generations been closely tied to Russia's transportation industry. His father Aleksandr Ivanovich Sarychev (1916-1989) has been Deputy Operation Chief of Oktyabrskaya Railroad's two largest depots in Leningrad. He has been awarded the title of Honorary Railroad Worker of the U.S.S.R.
After graduating from Leningrad's Secondary School No.271 with a silver medal in 1961, V.A. Sarychev was admitted to the Leningrad Aviation Device Building Institute's (LADBI) Radiotechnical Faculty. During his freshman year at the institute, Valentin Aleksandrovich worked as lathe operator at one of the Defense Ministry's factories that later became a part of "Leninets" holding company. In 1967 he graduated from the institute with honors, specializing in radio engineering and production. He spent his last year at the institute developing antennas and receivers for carry-on radars.
In 1968 he has been drafted into the military, where he served as a senior technician in one of the anti-aircraft defense's rocket units until 1970. After returning from the military, he began working at the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Engineering Academy under the direction of Professor V.E. Dulevich, creating information support for high-intellect recognition radars. He has afterwards received the title of Aircraft Colonel in reserve. Sarychev defended his Candidate's thesis in 1974 and prepared a research monograph in 1985, later translated into English and Chinese.
Following his teacher, Professor V.A. Potekhin, Sarychev came to "Leninets" research and production association in 1978. After working there for over ten years as laboratory chief, and later as department chief, he became Deputy General Director of joint stock company "Radar MMS". From 1979 until 1996 he has been lecturing at LADBI as Senior Lecturer and, after 1991, as Professor, while keeping his job at "Leninets". V.A. Sarychev is member of dissertation councils at the National Radio Equipment Science Research Institute and at the Academy of Civil Aviation.
In 1990 he successfully defended his Doctoral degree based on his research in high-information technology. Sarychev's main professional interest is in the creation of aviation radars with the application of complex signal systems, allowing to estimate the semantic and practical characteristics of the goal based on a variety of physical data. At the present time he is involved in the development of radio electronic support for high-intellect transport and medical logistics. V.A. Sarychev authored over 200 research essays, including 5 monographs and over 30 inventions, as well as articles in Russia's leading science journals. He participated in international science conferences and lectured in Israel and China, was awarded the titles of U.S.S.R. Inventor and Honorary Radar Operator of Russia.
V.A. Sarychev considers his work in the organization of Russian and International Transportation Academies to be his life's most important tasks. He has been Vice President of the Russian Transportation Academy since its foundation until 1998, with a break in 1994-1997. His duties included the preparation of administrative documents, the registration of the St. Petersburg Transportation Academy, the representation of the industry's interests. After the Academy's structural reorganization V.A. Sarychev has also worked with its members abroad. He is responsible for the introduction of a few notable principles of the Academy's organization, such as the Doctor of Transportation degree and the three-fold structure of the Academy's membership (member, corresponding member and acting member). These principles have been recorded in the Academy's Charter and in its working regulations. V.A. Sarychev's works have been published in the Academy's periodicals, he has written an article on testing for the Great Encyclopaedia of Transportation, published a volume of the Transportation Academy's Library Collection. He is currently preparing the first issue of the Academy's course book. V.A. Sarychev acted as Chairman of two conferences organized by the Transportation Academy, "Safety of Transport" and "Technical Equipment of Emergency Medicine Systems". Acting member of Ukraine's Transportation Academy since 1994. Member of the Presidium of the International Transportation Academy. Representative of the International Transportation Academy at the International Academic Union since 1999.
V.A. Sarychev began working as Chief of the Department of Radio Electronic Systems at the Academy of Civil Aviation in 1997, combining this work with the administration of research and of "Radar MMS"'s technical policy. The main directions of the enterprise's work included the development and creation of high-information radar aiming systems, the creation of radar systems for ecological monitoring, of micro-range radars, the development of on-board control systems. Participated in the organization of production of medical technology and of multimedia information products. He pays special attention to the application of multimedia devices to education and to the promotion of Russian cultural heritage. His enterprise has issued educational CD's titled "Walks through St. Petersburg" and "Russia's Art Museums". "Radar MMS" and its research and production complex has exhibited their products on numerous occasions, receiving international recognition and awards. V.A. Sarychev strives to introduce his enterprise's findings at aviation factories through the Academy of Civil Aviation.
Member of editorial boards of "Radio Electronic Systems and Control Systems", of "Issues of Specialized Radio Electronics", of "Works of the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy", of "The Medical Technology Sciences Academy's Messenger". Member of the Educational Association of higher schools in civil aviation. Laureate of the "300th Anniversary of the Russian Navy", "50th Anniversary of World War II Victory" and G.K. Zhukov medals, of the Russian Transportation Academy's N.E. Zhukovsky medal, of "100th Anniversary of the St. Petersburg State Technical University" honorary silver badge, of the American Biographical Institute's Honorary Diploma. He has been heading the Russian division of the American Institute's of Electrical and Radio Engineers (IEEE) Aerospace Radio Electronic Systems section. Founder and member of "Tourism for St. Petersburg" fund's administrative board, of councils of trustees of the V.V. Andreyev Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra and of the St. Petersburg Russian Male Choir.
Russia, 194356, St. Petersburg,
P.O. Box 180,
Tel.: (7-812) 303-1966, (7-812) 104-1517,
Fax: (7-812) 306-1616.
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