Solonin Yury Nikiforovich
Dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the Saint-Petersburg State University, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, head of the cultural philosophy and cultural science Chair.
Y.N. Solonin graduated from the Philosophical Faculty of the Leningrad State University in 1966. In 1970 defended Ph.D. thesis. Since then his scientific and pedagogical activity was bound with the Saint-Petersburg State University. Yury Nikiforovich worked at the Philosophical Faculty at first as an assistant, then a senior lecturer and then a professor. 1987-1989 - a Dean of the Faculty of Journalism. At the same time he teached at the Philosophical Faculty. In 1988 Solonin defended a thesis for a Doctor's degree on problems of modern philosophy of science and philosophy of culture. In 1989 was elected to be a head of the Chair of cultural philosophy, ethics and aesthetics and a Dean of the Philosophical Faculty. And now he is still at the head of the Phisophycal Faculty and of the Philosophical Association of Petersburg.
Y.N. Solonin became the initiator of reformation at the Philosophical Faculty and was the most active participant of it. He made an important contribution to perfection of the structure of teaching and to development of philosophical and humanitarian researches. Under his leadership the Philosophical Faculty of the Saint-Petersburg State University strengthened its positions as the leading Russian institution which prepares experts of philosophy and humanities. Many new chairs were created at the faculty, such as chairs of philosophy of science and engineering, of philosophical anthropology, of cultural philosophy and cultural science, of the East philosophy and culture, of conflictology, etc. Some of the chairs are unique until now. Great attention at the Faculty is payed to ecology. As a chairman of the "Philosophy" Head Council of the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation Y.N. Solonin makes much for development and coordination of scientific researches in the field of philosophical sciences in high schools of Russian Federation. He was the initiator and one of the organizers of the First Russian philosophical congress in 1997.
Y.N. Solonin is the chairman of the dissertational council on defending theses for a doctor's degree, a chairman and a member of some magazines' editorial boards. For many years he is the head of Saint-Petersburg Philosophical Association. Solonin's scientific interests include logic, philosophy of culture, history of philosophy, cultural science, social philosophy, journalism. Professor Y.N. Solonin is the author of more than 250 scientific works, including 10 individual and collective monographies. More than 50 Ph.D. theses and 8 theses for a Doctor's degree were defended under his supervision. Professor Y.N. Solonin lectures on medieval philosophy, history and philosophy of culture.
Professor Y.N. Solonin is known among his colleagues as an oustanding scientist, a fine methodologist, a brilliant lecturer and a talented teacher. Y.N. Solonin was several times marked by the Ministries of Education of Russia and by the rector, and also got some awards.
Philosophical Faculty of the Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: 5, Mendeleevskaya liniya, Vasiljevsky Island, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
Victor Gennadjevich Bondarev, the dean's assistant.
Phone: (812) 328-94-21
Fax: (812) 328-44-08
Tatyana Aleksandrovna Kulakova, the senior lecturer, the dean's assistant on commercial study.
Phone: (812) 328-94-22
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