Vasilyev Vladimir Nickolaevich
Head of Saint-Petersburg State University of precise mechanics and optics, research director of the network "RUNNet", head of the computer technologies department. Honoured man of science, Russian Government Prize laureate in the field of education. Professor, Doctor of technical Science, Full Member and Corresponding Member of several branch and international academies, councilor at the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Member of scientific and technical board on the questions of information education, vice-chairman of Saint-Petersburg University heads' council, vice-president of the Association of Russian institutes of higher education.
Vladimir Vasilyev was born in 1951. In 1974 he graduated from Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, from the department of thermal physics. In 1980 he defended a thesis for a candidate degree. From 1978 to 1983 he held posts of a senior research officer, senior lecturer assistant at Stavropol Polytechnic Institute. From 1983 he has been working at Leningrad Institute of precise mechanics and optics. In 1989 he defended a thesis for a Doctor's degree in the field of "optical instruments", "thermal and molecular physics". In 1990 he was adjudged academic degree of Doctor of technical Science, in 1992 he received academic status of Professor of computer systems department.
At present he fills a position of the head of Saint-Petersburg State University of precise mechanics and optics.
Vladimir Vasilyev is the author of more than 130 research works including 14 patents and inventions. His research works deal with two main areas:
1. mathematical modeling and realization of manufacturing methods of producing fiber-optic communication links;
2. elaboration of principles and creation of global telecommunication systems.
Vladimir Vasilyev made a very important contribution into creation the largest Russian scientific-educational computer network RUNNet, into development of international collaboration in the field of computer networks and into the realization of comprehensive training of students. In 1991 he established the University department of computer technologies.
Vladimir Vasilyev is married with two children: a daughter and a son.
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