Vasilyev Aleksey Leonidovich
An honoured Russian scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Born in 1922, in Petrograd. In 1941 entered the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute; worked and served during the war. In 1946 graduated from the institute. In 1959 got the degree of a Candidate of Sciences, in 1983 - Doctor of Sciences.
In 1984 became a professor of the shipbuilding department.
Vasilyev published 12 monographs (4 - in collaboration), 6 tutorials, about 120 scientific articles, received 15 inventor certificates and patents.
Has many awards.
Directed more than 40 works under the contracts with Russian shipbuilding companies.
The main activities:
- Experimental and theoretical research in hull units and bulkheads strength;
- Development of standards -Register Rules, shipbuilding standards, instructions on structures designing to provide a high level of technological effectiveness;
- Development of conceptual and program shipbuilding regulations based on modular designing and building of transportation vessels;
- A theory of structures designing (there are some published articles);
- In 90-s the St. Petersburg State University of Marine Technologies commenced a large work on sunk objects salvaging. Vasilyev was appointed a deputy research manager.
In 1994-1995 was a research manager of a nuclear submarine Komsomolets salvaging project.
In 1995, being invited by the Baltic Ecological Association Baltic-ECO, made reports in Poland and Sweden on the Baltic Sea clearance from sunk ships and chemical weapons.
In 2000 directed a project of the nuclear submarine Kursk salvaging; however the project was ignored.
Since 1959 Vasilyev has been giving lectures on ship constructions design. Was invited to other universities, both Russian and foreign. Initiator and research manager of All-Union Schools of Modular Shipbuilding, different seminars, a member and research manager of shipbuilding associations and working groups.
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