Balabanov Alexej Oktyabrinovich
Film director. Born on February 25, 1959. Graduated from Gorkv Pedagogical College with a major in translation and interpreting. In 1990 Balabanov completed an experimental course at the Higher School of Scriptwriters and Film Directors. For four years Balabanov worked as a director's assistant at the Sverdlov Film Studios, and in 1989 he made his cinematic debut with the documentary "Egor and Nastya". In 1990 he directs "For History of Aeronautics" and in 1991 co-authored the script of "Border Conflict." Since then S.Balabanov directed many well-known films, which received numerous prizes and awards world-wide. Among them was the feature film "Happy Days"(best movie award at "Youth-91" festival in Kiev; an honorary mention at the "Paris Reverie" festival; the jury prize at "Debut-92" in Moscow; and special mention at Cannes in 1992); "The Castle" (the jury prize at "Kinotaur-94" in Sochi; grand prize nomination in "Cinema Manifesto" in Suzdal film forum in 1995). In 1997 Balabanov wrote the script and directed "Brother", a film that received the best movie award at "Kinotaur-97" in Sochi, and in Cannes Film Festival program "Special View".) He presently works at STV Film Company.
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