Petrov Alexander
Art director of "Zazerkalje" theatre.
Was born in 1949. In 1974 graduated from the Opera Directing Faculty of the Leningrad Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov. From 1974 till 1987 was working in the Opera and Ballet Theatre named after M.P. Musorgsky. ("Rigoletto" J. Verdi, "Janny Skikky" J. Puchiny, "A man from Lamanchy" M. Li, "Medium" J. K. Menotti - for the first time in Russia). Cooperates with many Russian and foreign theatres: "Troubadour" J. Verdi, "Boris Godunov" M. Musorgsky (Opera and Ballet Theatre, Tbilisi); "Cola Brunjon" D. Kabalevsky, "Boris Godunov" M. Musorgsky (Stara Zagora, Bulgaria); "Medium" J. K. Menotti (Boston, USA); "Love to three oranges" S. Prokofjev and "Nightingale" I. Stravinsky" (Mariinsky theatre).
In 1987 together with the conductor P.Bubelnikov openned the State Children's Musical Theatre "Zazerkalie". Here he staged more than 20 performances. In total Alexander Petrov staged more than 60 plays. He won the Award of the Saint-Petersburg government for the unique contribution to the development of opera art for children (1996). The play "Love drink" is the winner of the Saint-Petersburg Theatre Award "Gold soffit-96" in all nominations.
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