Rahlin Boris Vul'fovich
Boris Vul'fovich Rahlin was born in Leningrad in 1955. In 1975 he graduated from the Serov Secondary Art School. In the same year he joined the youth section of the Artist' Union. Soon after his graduation he began to work at various musical and drama theaters, traveling around the country to such places as Belomor'e, Tuva, Baikal, Siberia, and Mongolia. His first series of paintings appeared approximately around this time. In 1980 he transferred from the theatrical section of the Artist' Union to the department of painters. During the years that followed he participated in various national and international exhibitions. In 1980's he befriends Pavel Filonov's student N. M. Kovalenko, who has influenced further development of B. V. Rahlin's art. His first theatrical exhibitions in St. Petersburg took place in 1981. In 1984 he was accepted to the department of directors of Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, and began his directorial works for LenKom Theatre and the Youth Theater (TUZ). Beginning in 1987 he has been working in Petrozavodsk and for various Finnish drama and puppet theaters. In 1988 he has held a personal exhibition in Petrozavodsk. Upon his return to St. Petersburg he has been working at the Akimov Comedy Theater. In the beginning of the 1990s he became interested in religious art and has painted frescoes for Tomsky Monastery in Yaroslavl'. For the past few years B. V. Rahlin has been teaching at the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts, as well as working for various theaters in France, Finland, and Sweden. In 1991 he held his personal art show at the Artist' Union, and in 1995 he exhibited his works at the Petrozavodsk Museum of Fine Arts.
During his artistic career B. V. Rahlin has directed over 50 theatrical shows. He has never joined any artistic movements, and he dislikes group shows. In his art he strives for the ideal, and tries to avoid beaten tracks. He thinks that it is better to sing in a low, but always in your own voice.
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