Melodinsky Leonid Ivanovich
Veteran of the Naval Rescue Service, former head of the Baltic Rescue Service, member of the Submariners' Club, Retired Captain.
Born in 1935, in Nalchik (Kabardino-Balkaria).
In 1953 entered the Leningrad Military Marine Engineering College named after Dzerzhinsky and graduated with the speciality "submarine building". Was on probation aboard C-265 (Baltic Navy) commanded by the famous nuclear-submariner, later on rear admiral Sysoev. Because of medical restrictions was appointed to the Rescue Service of Liepay, Latvia. In 1962 was appointed a senior officer of the Murmansk Rescue Service. Participated in development of documentation for searching of the sunken submarine C-80, which was salvaged in 1969 from the depth of 200 m.
In 1966, being a lieutenant commander, was appointed the chief engineer of the Rescue Service of Kaliningradskaya Oblast. In 1966-1978 actively participated in salvation of ships-targets, aircrafts, helicopters and sunken warships.
In summer 1968 took training in spacemen salvation and space ship service.
In 1970 took part in salvation of the dredge ship Dvina in Klaipeda and the dredge ship Neva-4 in Ventspils by Urlich Harms (Germany), as an expert-consultant. As the result of report presented, one of the floating cranes used in the operation, Magnus-111, was bought.
In 1972 participated in rescue of the submarine K-19, the Atlantic Ocean.
In 1976, being a captain, was appointed Deputy Head of Auxiliary Vessels and Rescue Service - Head of the Baltic Rescue Service.
In 1978 was moved to the 40th Research Institute. In 1981 participated in expedition on salvaging of gold from the English cruiser Edinburg, 180 miles to the North from Murmansk. More than 5 tons were salvaged with Russia to take 1.6 tons.
In 1983 participated in salvaging of crew from the nuclear submarine K-429 on Kamchatka, from the depth of 43 meters.
In the same year took part in salvaging of a torpedo boat from the depth of 120 meters.
Retired in 1988.
The author of the book "The Operation "Grey Dog" (1998).
The author of a number of articles about divers and rescuers.
A member of the St. Petersburg Submariner's Club since 1997, Secretary of Rescuer's Section.
Actively appears on television and in press on issues connected with the nuclear submarine Kursk.
Is fond of working on computer and photographing.
After demobilization worked in the military department of the West Design Bureau.
At present works in the Baltic Rescue Department of the Russian State Marine Rescue Service.
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