Сенатский Юрий Константинович
Veteran of the Naval Rescue Service, Baltic Rescue Service. Retired rear admiral. Main specialist in rescue and salvaging operations of the USSR Navy.
Born on October 13, 1924, in Arkhangelsk. In his childhood was particularly interested in ship and aircraft modeling.
In 1940 studied in the Second Leningrad Special Naval School. His study in the tenth form happened to take place during the blockade of Leningrad.
In 1942 entered an access course of the Naval College named after Frunze. With the college was evacuated first to Astrakhan, then to Baku. In 1942 was assigned to a medical college of the Navy. In April 1944, as a junior lieutenant and doctor's assistant, was assigned to the trawler Zheljabov to Tallinn. In 1944 was awarded with the order "The Red Star" for his courage while landing of marine troops.
After the war, in 1945-1950, a student of the Shipbuilding Faculty in the Naval Engineering College named after Dzerzhinsky. After graduation, in 1950, was appointed chief constructor at the 405th Separate Division of the Tallinn Rescue Service of the Baltic Navy. Till 1953 participated in many rescue and salvaging operations, including salvaging of the German 60-ton floating dock and turboelectric ship I. Stalin. During these years has almost completely mastered diving works.
1956-1957 - head of the Gorky Division of the Naval Rescue Service (on Volga River).
1957-1958 - lieutenant commander, senior officer of a special department of the Naval General Staff.
1958-1965 - deputy head, chief engineer of the Baltic Rescue Service. Actively participates in many salvation operations, as well as sea trials of new vessels and diving apparatuses.
In 1965 served in the Central Department of the Naval Rescue Service as main diving specialist and deputy head of the Inspection of Diving Operations Safety.
In 1969 as a deputy commander/chief engineer of the Special Purpose Expedition No. 10 took part in salvaging of the submarine C-80 from the depth of 200 m. The author of this unique project of ship salvaging in deep water without diving operations, under conditions of open area of the Barents Sea.
In 1972 performed technical management of assistance and towing of the nuclear submarine K-19 in Atlantic. Was awarded by the second order "The Red Star".
In 1972-1974 participated in salvaging operations in Bangladesh as the Naval Rescue Service specialist and then as deputy commander of salvaging operations in the Special Purpose Expedition No. 12. 26 vessels of the total displacement 100 thou. tons were salvaged from depths up to 30 m. Was awarded with the order of the "Labour Red Banner".
In 1974-1987 - deputy head-chief engineer of the Naval Rescue Service. During this period:
- technical management of crew rescuing and salvaging of the submarine C-178 of the Pacific Ocean Navy, from the depth of 31 m (1981);
- as chief engineer of a special purpose expedition performed technical management of crew rescuing and salvaging of the nuclear submarine K-429 from the depth of 41 m, in Kamchatka. 102 submariners were rescued, and the ship was salvaged in 40 days.
- technical management of salvaging of СДК-84 and Anadur (the Pacific Ocean Navy);
- in 1977 got the rank of engineer/rear admiral.
The author of a number of articles. Technical editor of some special reference books on rescue and ship salvaging operations.
Retired in 1987.
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