JSC Rikel was established in 1991 based on former Rikel attached to DSK-5, employees of which had formed the greatest part of a new company's personnel. In a short term Rikel managed to grow into a respectable general contracting company, capable to solve a wide range of problems.
JSC Rikel has state licences for the following kinds of activity:
- functions of a customer;
- functions of a general contractor;
- construction designing, including development of special sections of a project (budget, etc.);
- manufacturing, mounting, adjustment and repair;
- construction-and-mounting works;
- preparation works and earthwork;
- erection of bearing structures and enclosures of buildings and facilities;
- provision of outside and inside engineering services and equipment, including of polymer materials;
- protection and finishing of structures and equipment;
- consulting services;
- transportation. JSC Rikel has its own production base with modern equipment to carry out mounting works, manufacturing of metal structures, heat units, pipeline systems of any level of complication. This allows to reduce men-hours while performing construction and mounting works at an object in the whole, increase construction rates and thus competitiveness of the company. All necessary materials and components, instruments and equipment are delivered in time to the place of destination, by means of the own transport.
The company's strategy is overall construction and reconstruction, and the main principle is gradual implementation of modern technologies and materials into construction. To realise these tasks Rikel is constantly training its employees, provides its workers with advanced equipment and instruments. In 2000 the company was awarded with a diploma "for mastering of effective forms of production organization and implementation of new technologies and materials into construction works" by the Construction Committee of the St. Petersburg Administration. In 2001 these achievements were recognized on a federal level - JSC Rikel became won the all-Russian competition for the best construction company in the field of "mastering of new effective forms of production organization and management of construction".
To solve problems of reconstruction effectively a structure of monolithic floors was developed and patented.
The technical base of company management is a CAM system with remote access to stores and production base. Engineering personnel uses special software for designing, estimating, accounting, economic analysis and logistics.
Rikel constantly participates in realization of the address program of the St. Petersburg Construction Committee.
For the last three years the company has build the following objects:
- several schools;
- several kindergartens;
- blocks of flats;
- complex of apartment houses;
- children's isolation hospital No. 5;
- polyclinic;
- together with the concern Rosstroy the investment project on building of a housing complex on the state farm Ruchyi was realized.
- reconstruction of the surgical department of Mariinskaya Hospital has been commenced (tender object);
- buildings of the middle of the XIX century (Moiseenko, 14);
- office buildings (B. Morskaya, 35);
- building of the Nevsky Branch of INKAS-BANK.
As it is seen from the list, objects of social purpose occupy a special place, in spite of their poor financing.
The company works with foreign customers and firms:
- in corroboration with YNG Anton Hesko (Slovakia) installation works at Coca-Cola (St. Petersburg) was performed;
- JSC Rikel is a dealer of Danish company WAVIN and Minsk plant producing concrete forms for monolithic house-building.
The company's principle position is to carry out construction and mounting works at a high professional level, to deliver products and render services of such quality and price that meet the most strict requirements.
The main tasks of Rikel in this sphere are the following:
- provision of such quality of produce so that meets increasing requirements of its customers;
- extra profiting from costs reduction and improving of produce quality.
The goals are achieved due to:
- planning of works on quality improvement;
- motivation (including pecuniary) of the personnel to achieve better results in quality;
- obligatory fulfilling of all provisions on quality management by the personnel;
- quality control of works in a necessary extend;
- taking actions on avoiding possible spoilage and immediate elimination of defects;
- systematic checks of quality management system functioning;
- constant analysis of the quality system effectiveness;
- searching and implementation of new technologies and materials;
- equipping of production shops with modern facilities and instruments;
- regular renovation of computer hardware and software;
- compulsory and sufficient financing of the existing quality control system;
At present JSC Rikel is introducing a system of quality management according to the international standard ISO 9001:2000.
Director General of JSC Rikel is Furman Aleksandr Yuljevich..
JSC Rikel
Moiseenko Str., 14, St. Petersburg, 193144
Tel.: (812) 274-9690
E-mail: info@rikel.spb.ru
Photo Album of JSC Rikel
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