Furman Aleksandr Yuljevich
Director General, JSC Rikel.
Born in August 1956, in Ivanovo. Father is a doctor, mother is a heating engineer. His wife, Tatjana, is a chemist-technologist, at present works as an accountant. Children: Vladislav, Evgeny.
In 1973, after finishing a school, became an evening student of the Leningrad Technological Institute, the faculty of Industrial Heat-and-Power engineering, working parallel at the industrial merger Kirovsky Zavod (Kirovsky Plant). In 1976 became a day student of the same faculty as a scholar of Kirovsky Zavod. Having graduated the institute (1980) returned to the plant, where he worked for nine years in the forge and press shop. In 1989 moved to the trust Santekhmontazh and having worked for three years as a foreman, in 1991 was appointed the chief engineer of a new company Rikel. In December 1991 became Director of Rikel, then Director General of JSC Rikel. In 1999 got a diploma of the St. Petersburg Baltic State Technical University named after Ustinov, the speciality "Economics and Management".
Since November 1999 is an honoured academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
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